Photos by Ann Hilton or Steve & Diane Nevill
01 - The Long Man - on Windover Hill
02 - Maria - singing at Jack-in-the-Green
03 - The Parade in Hastings,
04 - Jack Fullers Tomb in Brightling
05 - Maria at Broadstairs Folk Festival
06 - The Cuckmere Estuary in Sussex
07 - The Memorial for the Mary Stanford
08 - Maria - at her 40th Birthday Bash
09 - Gargoyle or grotesque? Winchelsea

Maria said that this was the first song that she sang and performed out.

Maria danced in the Mad Jack's Morris side when they first revived the tradition - and later used to sing, at the 'Jack Slaying' ceremony.

The parade trails through the streets of old Hastings, starting at Winkle Island, on the 1st May Bank Holiday Monday

Maria sings about this in her song 'Mad Jack' - of Brightling.

Maria largely sang unaccompanied but did play an English concertina. Ann Hilton caught her at a workshop in Broadstairs.

"From the sea to the sky and the clouds to the ground." Maria lived in Sussex, very close to the Cuckmere valley and the South Downs.

Maria was asked to write a song for one of the anniversaries of the worst Life Boat disasters to date. All of the volunteers were drowned.

This is Maria at her 40th birthday celebration, an evening of drinking, song and music. Yes we all age, but basically, Maria didn't ...

Another terrific song and proving the benefits of being observant!