Please remember to acknowledge Maria as the songwriter if you perform any of her songs!
Moon Goddess; Was originally released by
Maria Cunningham as a cassette in September 1996.
Recorded by John Dyer
Musicians: Carl Hogsden – Guitar
Dave Hankey – Keyboards Chris Ford – Percussion
With thanks to Chris for the loan of the drums and Richard the bells.
All Tracks: Maria Cunningham except:
02 – Trad. / Arr. Cunningham / Hogsden
04/05 – Trad. Arranged Cunningham
10 – Cunningham / Arr. Cunningham / Hogsden
14 – Tune Trad. - words Cunningham
Cover design: M Hargreaves
Thanks to all the kind people who have been so nice about my songs, without whom this recording never would have happened.
Notes: written by Maria - at the time of recording.
All Songs Copyright: M. Cunningham
01 – White Owl; The barn owl whose eerie cries were believed to be an omen of disaster.
02 – Gypsy Davey; This is my own variant of a song that has many versions. The tune is from the Hastings band 'Better Days'.
03 – Eternal Triangle; Not everyone is as deceived as the lady in the last song. This is a new reflection on the old theme.
04 – King Henry; Childe Ballad number 32
05 – The Rolling of the Stones; A very ancient song with overtones of human sacrifice.
06 – The Long Man; The first song I ever wrote, inspired by the 235ft figure carved on the hill at Wilmington.
07 – The Witch Next Door; You may not believe it – but this is all true!
08 – Gargoyles; Grotesque faces, usually above head height, not just on churches. Few people notice them – but remember - 'They're Watching YOU'.
09 – Spirit of the Trees; All trees have their own special character, which I have tried to capture in this song.
10 – Mad Jack; John Fuller of Brightling, Sussex 1757-1834. An eccentric and altruistic squire whose follies can be seen to this day.
11 – Orion; Probably the best known of all constellations, only visible in winter. I've used the Greek legends as the basis for this song.
12 – Awakening; Stone circles, changing seasons and the four elements came together in this Pagan celebration.
13 – Ringing the Changes; Dedicated to all the campanologists skilled in the art of bell ringing.
14 – Morris Minor; I love Morris Minors – I wish I had one, however, the owners do seem to fall into certain types. I wonder how much a V8 costs?
15 – Jack-in-the-Green; Take one mobile tree, a load of people dressed in leaves and paint, mix them together in Hastings and this is what you get.
16 – Moon Goddess; The moon has always been said to affect our sense of reason, hence the term looney. She has however, been revered in every culture since time began.