Carole and Andrew organised a day of celebration; 'Sing For Maria'.
There was plenty of singing, reminiscence - and as seen here, fun enjoying the circle dance under Anne's patient calling ...
Circle Dance – to Green Man – as sung by
Maria Cunningham
Made up by Ann Hilton
Formation: Circle, holding hands, no partners
Chorus: Green Man rise, Green Man breathe
Side step right, close left, Side step right, close left,
Green Man, Green Man
Side step right, close left – swing arms in
Side step right, close left – swing arms out
Verse: The seed lies long within the earth
Grapevine right (side, in front, side, behind)
Green Man, Green Man
In and out as chorus
In spring his breath will give it birth
Break hands – Four steps turning and travelling to the right
Green Man, Green Man
Re-join hands - in and out as chorus
(continue to end of song)