Please remember to acknowledge Maria as the songwriter if you perform any of her songs!
Our sincere thanks go to Tim Kent for allowing us to reproduce this recording of Maria.
We wanted anyone who never had the chance to hear Maria previously to appreciate her songs sung in her own unique style.
Life Force; Was recorded in Eastbourne
in April 1999 by Tim Kent and post-mastered
at Loophole Studios, Brighton.
Tim Kent – Copyright, All Rights Reserved MCPS May 1999
The front cover photo: Maria Cunningham
All other photos: Tim Kent
Special thanks to Tim Kent for all his help in the recording, producing and design of this CD. Also, for his contribution and backing on tracks 2, 5, 9 & 13.
All songs were composed by Maria Cunningham except tracks 5 & 10 (Traditional /Arranged)
01 – Winter Solstice; The darkest time of the year, with the hope of spring to come.
02 – Green Man; (Tim : background vocal)
The spirit of nature: often found in the form of foliate heads in churches. The song is preceded by a poem inspired by these.
*** (See end of notes. Not included with the song words.)
03 – The Road; Inspired by a comment in Hilaire Belloc's book 'The Old Road'. “….. of these primal things the least obvious but the most important is The Road”.
04 – Wonkey Wheel-O; Bringing an old song up to date – based on Twanky Dillo.
05 – Reynardine; (Tim : keyboard)
My version of this old ballad based mainly on English versions with a few verses from across the Atlantic.
06 – Playing With Fire;
A piece of allegory exploring the temptation of lust!
07 – The Healer; The chorus is based on the Doctors lines from the archetypal Mummer's plays.
08 – The Mary Stanford Disaster; Based on the tragic events which took place off the South coast in November 1928. For the full story see Geoff Hutchinson's excellent book.
09 – Waters of Life; (Tim : guitar)
Having worked in the water supply industry for many years I'm very conscious of the 'water cycle'!
10 – A Sailors Life; My version of this traditional song with a Transatlantic flavour.
11 – The Yew Tree; Ancient buildings have been witness to all our real social history through the centuries. What tales they could tell.
12 – Let Me Sleep; I'm sure all parents will have sympathy with the sentiments of this song!
13 – Spirit of the Wind; (Tim : keyboard) A fantasy I wove around a character I invented; atmospherically enhanced by Tim's backing.
14 – Sloe Gin; With many thanks to Hartley Morris for introducing me to the therapeutic properties of this wonderful beverage!
15 – April Evening: The sun going down over the River Cuckmere on a spring evening.
*** Poem, spoken by Maria before singing track 02 – Green Man
Out of the shadow stares a face, Piercing eyes cut through to your soul,
Lips curled in sardonic smile,
A mask, wreathed in leaves, Carved by the hand of man, Styled by the work of nature,
Unyielding, unforgiving, He cares not for your wants and needs, your desires,
He is life, He is death resurrected, He is your …. destiny ….